After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, our team has been forced to leave Russia, as repressive Russian laws designed to choke independent media in the country made living and working there a very serious challenge. For example, one may be sentenced to up to fifteen years in prison simply for calling this war a war rather than a ‘special military operation’. We refuse to abide by these laws—for us, freedom of speech is a fundamental value, even more so during times like these.
After Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, our team has been forced to leave Russia, as repressive Russian laws designed to choke independent media in the country made living and working there a very serious challenge. For example, one may be sentenced to up to fifteen years in prison simply for calling this war a war rather than a ‘special military operation’. We refuse to abide by these laws—for us, freedom of speech is a fundamental value, even more so during times like these.